
From 29 June to 01 July 2024, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, visited the Area of Responsibility of the 95th Higher National Guard Battalions Command, accompanied by the Commanding General of the High Command of Interior and Islands “AEGEAS”, Lieutenant General Emmanouil Theodorou.

During his visit, the Chief visited the Surveillance Outposts in Strongyli and Ro islands, as well as the Defence Command of Megisti island, where he attended the Inauguration Ceremony of new sheds.

The Chief gave a short address, provided guidelines to the personnel of the Defence Command and the Surveillance Outposts, and congratulated them for their work.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy.

On 27 June 2024, the final stage of the Field Exercise “GRANIKOS” was conducted at the Floating Equipment Training Center of Axios, with the participation of personnel and assets of the 33rd Mechanised Brigade “KYDONION”, the 34th Mechanised Brigade “COLONEL DIALETIS REGIMENT”, the 71st Airmobile Brigade “PONTOS” and the 723 Engineer Battalion.

The exercise’s objective was the personnel’s realistic training on the technique of water obstacle crossing, under the conditions of a modern operations environment.

During the final stage of the exercise, which was attended by the Commander of the 1st ARMY/EY-OHQ “ACHILLEAS” Lieutenant General Dimokritos Konstantakos, the high operational training and readiness of the personnel was confirmed.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

From 3 to 16 June 2024, the summer training for students of the Non-Commissioned Officers’ School was held in the region of Kanapitsa, Litochoro.

During the same period, from 10 to 15 June 2024, the NCO School students underwent a training jointly with a delegation from the French Ecole Nationale de sous Officiers (ENSOS), composed of 2 Officers, 1 NCO and 7 Students, who were accommodated at the premises of the barracks.

On Tuesday 25 June 2024, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis delivered a speech on “HAGS Challenges - Options - Perspectives” to the students of the 21st training series of the Supreme Joint War College.

Then, accompanied by the Commander of the 1st ARMY/EU-OUQ “ACHILLEAS” Lieutenant General Dimokritos Konstantakos and the Commander of the C Army Corps/NRDC-GR “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” Lieutenant General Athanasios Garinis, visited the 71st Airmobile Brigade “PONTOS”, the 33rd Mechanised Brigade “SYNTAGMA KYDONION” and the National Urban Operations Centre of Excellence.

During his visit, the Chief was briefed on the operational and training activities of Formations, made a brief address and provided guidelines to the personnel.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

On Friday 21 June 2024, the Greek Maneuver Company departed by the tank landing ship “SAMOS” of the Hellenic Navy from Greece (port of Thessaloniki) to the port of PLOCE in Croatia and then, arrived by road to BUTMIR Camp of “EUFOR ALTHEA” in Sarajevo, Bosnia - Herzegovina.

The Company will be deployed for a year in Bosnia - Herzegovina in the context of the peacekeeping mission EUFOR ALTHEA, in order to maintain an environment of safety and stability in the wider region by participating in training activities and exercises with the host nation's Armed Forces.