
The small, yet important from a strategical point of view, island in the Aegean Sea played a key role during the War of Independence of 1821. By means of a powerful and well-equipped fleet, the people of Psara contributed vitally to the fight against the Ottoman Empire, participating in many sea fights and reinforcing the national effort for independence.

Psara's participation in the Greek War of Independence began from the first days of the fight. The fleet of Psara, composed of skilled seamen and warships, participated in a number of sea fights against the Ottomans, such as the naval battle of Gerontas and the naval battle of Samos.

On Thursday 20 June 24, the Command, the Staff and the Greek Company of the 2nd Multinational Battalion of KFOR Operational Reserve Force departed from Greece for BONDSTEEL Camp in Kosovo, in order to undertake security missions, thus contributing to NATO’s rapid response capability in Kosovo region.

The 2nd Multinational Battalion of Operational Reserve Force consists of the Multinational Command with the respective staff, composed of personnel from Greece, Albania, Bulgaria and Romania and whose Command has been assumed by our Country until December 2024, as well as of five Maneuver Companies contributed by the aforementioned Countries and Austria.

It is the second time that the said Greek Forces are being deployed in Kosovo region, since their development from September 2023 to December 2023 also within the framework of KFOR peacekeeping mission.

From 15 to 17 June 2024, within the framework of the Greece – Cyprus Military Cooperation Programme, a training activity for National Guards of the National Guard General Staff (NGGS) was conducted at the National Urban Warfare Operations Centre of Excellence of the 71st Airmobile Brigade “PONTOS” on “Urban Warfare” tasks.

Training included inter alia briefing on the principles and procedures of urban warfare, Close Quarter Battle and Battlefield First Aid.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

On Thursday 20 June 2024, the oath-taking ceremony for Second Lieutenants Class of 2024 “CAPTAIN (MECH) SOTIRIOS STAVRIANAKOS” took place at the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon) in Vari, Attica, in the presence of HE the President of the Hellenic Republic Ms. Katerina Sakellaropoulou, who also awarded the swords to the oath-takers.

On Tuesday 18 June 2024, the diplomas award ceremony for the Hellenic Army Academy Cadets of Class 2024 “Captain (ENG) Sotirios Stavrianakos”, was held at the Hellenic Army Academy (Evelpidon) in Vari - Attica.

The diplomas were awarded to the Cadets by the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis and the Army Inspector General Lieutenant General Spyridon Alfantakis. Afterwards, the award of the Academy’s insignia to the foreign graduates of the Academy was also conducted. After the conclusion of the ceremony, the Chief of HAGS gave his guidelines regarding their future career.

Finally, the Spanish Defence Attaché Captain of the Navy Federico Antonio Garcia Castro awarded the dirk of the Spanish Academy to the top Cadet of Class 2024.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy