The first Transport units were formed in the Middle East soon after 1941, where the Allied Forces were deployed.
These units which were organised according to British standards, returned to liberated Greece at the end of 1944, early 1945, retaining their current structure.
Prior to 1940, the Hellenic Army was organised according to French standards and still included a Motorised Corps whose mission was to cover the transport needs of the Armed forces, as well as the Logistics Corps whose mission was to provide the Army with supplies and materials.

These two corps were acting independently, under separate directorates. The unsuccessful efforts to achieve coordination between the two Corps, forged the need for closer cooperation and coordination.

In the beginning of World War II and with the intent to deal with the problem, the UK integrated the two corps into one, the famous RASC (Royal Army Service Corps).

Following the aforementioned British standards, the Hellenic Army established the Supply and Transport Corps which, at the beginning, was manned by officers transferred from the Motorised, Logistics and Management Corps, as well as from other Arms. Since 1946, the Supply and Transport Corps includes officers who are graduates of the Military Academy.