Tribute to the XXV Armoured Brigade (XXV ARM BDE “2ND CAVALRY REGIMENT – EFESSOS”)

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Tribute to the XXV Armoured Brigade (XXV ARM BDE “2ND CAVALRY REGIMENT – EFESSOS”)

The XXV Armoured Brigade (XXV AMD BDE), is subordinate to the XX Armoured Division and since December 15 2017, its Headquarters are relocated at Petrochori, Xanthi.
 The Leopard 2A6HEL, one of the most modern weapon systems owned by the Army, is included in the tanks capability of the Brigade; this specific type of tank: 

    • is the special edition of the 2A6 Leopard, designed for the Greek operational requirements

    • integrates innovative technology 

    • is included in the top-ranking battle tanks all over the world. 

The emblem of the Brigade features the head of a horse and a tank. Above this picture, the motto “DIE FOR YOUR COUNTRY” is written. It is a saying by Periandros, governor of Corinth, one of the seven wise men of antiquity, which declares that the “the greatest indication of love to your country is to offer your own life”, as it reflects the ideal of the ancient world, that a soldier must fight and die for his country’s integrity. The emblem symbolizes STRENGTH, IMPETUS, FLEXIBILITY, SPEED and AGGRESSIVENESS, which are the main characteristics of the Brigade Units, whereas the green outline is evocative of the distinctive colour of the Armour. 

The XXV Armoured Brigade is the spearhead of the D’ Army Corps whereas its personnel, equipped with morale, optimism and discipline, is trained to apply modern tactics in the battle and to have faith in the fulfillment of its mission. 

A brief video follows showing the work, the infrastructure and the activities of the XXV ARM BDE.

#HellenicArmy, #WeAreProud.