Procurement of Engineer Assets

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Procurement of Engineer Assets

HAGS, in collaboration with HMoND, HNDGS and the Regions in the context of the constant effort for the procurement of Engineer assets and upgrade of their capabilities, has integrated in the NSRF 2014 – 2020 operational programme the procurement of the following machines and bridges:

  1. Region of Eastern Macedonia - Thrace

    1. (NSRF programme valued at 4,337,707.92 €)

      The procurement of (1) dozer, two (2) land levelers, two (2) land loaders, one (1) moat excavator, two (2) moat excavators with long arm, four (4) loaders - excavators, eight (8) dumber vehicles and four (4) multifunction small size machines is underway. Eight (8) dumber vehicles have already been delivered.

    2. (NSRF programme valued at 1,987,596 €)

      The procurement of three (3) modular metal bridges for dry passages is underway.

    3. A decision has also been issued for the award of a competition for thirty-four more (34) machines valued at 7,887,699,40 €.

  2. Region of Central Macedonia

    1. (NSRF programme valued at 977,306 €)

      The procurement of three (3) moat excavators, one (1) tyred moat excavator and one (1) land loader is underway.

    2. A decision has also been issued for the award of a competition for nine (9) more machines valued at 1,732,878 €.

  3. Region of the Northern Aegean (NSRF programme valued at 154,699.89 €)

    The procurement of one (1) modular land loader is underway.

  4. Region of Attica

    1. (NSRF programme valued at 5,781,047.89 €)

      The procurement of three (3) dozers, two (2) land levelers, four (4) land loaders, two (2) moat excavators, one (1) moat excavator with long arm, four (4) loaders - excavators, seven (7) dumber vehicles, three (3) small size multifunction machines, three (3) 12-tonne dumber trucks, one (1) modular land loader and one (1) modular vibrational road roller is underway. Of the above, one modular vibrational road roller has already been delivered.

    2. (NSRF programme valued at 1,987,836 €)

      The procurement of (3) modular metal bridges for dry passages is underway.

  5. Region of Thessaly (NSRF programme valued at 887,477.69 €)

    The procurement of two (2) land loaders, one (1) small size multifunction machine, one (1) modular road roller, one (1) wheeled moat excavator and one (1) modular land loader is underway. Of the above, two (2) land loaders and the modular road roller have already been delivered.

  6. Region of the Peloponnese (NSRF programme valued at 1,982,497.89 €)

    The procurement of two (2) moat excavators, one (1) wheeled moat excavator, one (1) land leveler, one (1) moat excavator with long arm, one (1) dozer, one (1) modular land loader and two (2) 12-tonne dumber trucks is underway.

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