Events for the 81st Anniversary of the Battle of the Forts

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Events for the 81st Anniversary of the Battle of the Forts

On Sunday 10 April 2022, the 81st Anniversary of the Battle of the Forts, waged from 06 to 09 April 1941, was celebrated at the “ROUPEL”, “OCHYRO” (ISTIBEY), “NYMPHAEA”, “ECHINOS” and “LISSE” Forts. During the anniversary celebration, a memorial service and wreath laying were conducted in memory of the Hellenic Army’s Officers and Soldiers, who defended and protected the Forts, in April 1941.

The ceremony at Fort ROUPEL was honoured by the presence of the Minister of Infrastructure and Transport Mr Konstantinos Achilleas Karamanlis representing the government, the Serres PM Ms Fotini Arabatzi representing the Speaker of the Parliament and the Chief of HAGS Lieutenant General Charalambos Lalousis, representing the Chief of HNDGS.

Other individuals who attended the ceremony, which was officiated by the Metropolitan Bishop of Sidirokastro Mr Makarios, were PMs of the Hellenic Parliament, the Commander of the 1st ARMY/EU-ΟHQ “ACHILLEAS” Lieutenant General Angelos Choudeloudis, the Commander of C’ Army Corps/NRDC-GR “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” Lieutenant General Sotirios Kostakoglou and representatives of the local self-government.

During the ceremony, all the advisable measures of protection against the COVID-19 pandemic were observed.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy