Army's Contribution to Society

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Army's Contribution to Society

The Army during the first quarter of 2023, in the context of its contribution to society, proceeded to the following actions:


- Voluntary blood donation by its personnel. 2439 units of blood were collected.


- Conduct of medical echelons visits to villages throughout the territory. 326 inhabitants and school students were examined.


- Staffing of the Regional Clinics of Tilos, Karpathos, Fourni – Thymena, Agathonisi and Inousses by soldier doctors.


- Execution of 96 MEDEVACS with CH-47D and ΝΗ-90 Helicopters for the transport of 136 patients.


- Conduct of repair - maintenance works (painting of rooms, repairs of the external coating and painting of the outer walls of buildings and of the enclosure railing) on buildings of the primary and secondary education of the 3 regional units of the territory.


- Neutralisation - Destruction of ammunition located in inhabited areas.


- Opening - maintenance of provincial route

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy