Competition between Tank Platoons from XXI – XXIII – XXIV – XXV Armored Brigades

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Competition between Tank Platoons from XXI – XXIII – XXIV – XXV Armored Brigades
25/05/2018 19:39

From Monday 21st to Friday 25th May 2018, a competition was held for the first time in the Range Field of Xanthi between Tank Platoons from all Armored Brigades, with the participation of one Platoon (4 Tanks and 16 staff) from XXI – XXIII – XXIV – XXV Armored Brigades.

Crew members were assessed and rated in a series of operational subjects and tests, corresponding to all possible threats within a contemporary battle field.

The competition, whose cost was kept to the minimum after much effort, compared to its great operational value, aims at improving the training of the personnel, inculcating the fair play between crew members and offering experience in similar competitions, which are a common practice in training abroad and within NATO in particular.

The participation of Greek crews in similar activities contributes to the promotion of our Country’s Armed Forces abroad in the best possible way, fact that highlights their credibility and deterrent effect. A typical example of the latter is the exceptional participation of the Greek Leo2Hel Tank Platoon in an international competition in Bulgaria about a year ago, which received so many favorable comments with its performance, in the framework of SABER GUARDIAN international exercise.

Congratulations to all persons involved and to the participants for the excellent organization and conduct of the competition, as well as for the passion and professionalism throughout this 4-day event.

#HellenicArmy, #WeDeter, #WeAreProud.