Participation of Foreign Delegations in the Summer Training of the Hellenic Army Academy

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Participation of Foreign Delegations in the Summer Training of the Hellenic Army Academy

From 10 to 14 July 2023, in the context of outreach reinforcement by the Hellenic Army Academy, aiming to promote its work and with the main goal of improving the level of training through the exchange of training procedures and models, various students and Officers participated in the summer military training of the Academy, taking place at the “KANAPITSA” Exercise Field, in Litochoro-Pieria, from the following countries:

•    1 student from the “Bulgarian Air Force Academy”.
•    1 Officer and 3 students from the “Vasil Levski National Military University” of Bulgaria.
•    3 students from the “Academie Militarie de Saint-Cyr Coetquidan” of France.
•    1 Officer and 3 students from the “Royal Military College of Canada”.
•    2 students from the “Νational Defence Academy of Latvia”.
•    2 students from the “General Tadeusz Kosciuszko Military Academy of Land Forces” of Poland.
•    3 students from the “Nicolae Balcescu Land Forces Academy” of Romania.

The training schedule included subjects of operational and special training and practical exercise on the following subjects:

•    Physical Education
•    Map Reading and Crossing of Topographic Course
•    Support Fires Request
•    Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
•    Sniper Advanced Training
•    Weaponry dismantling – assembly
•    Obstacle Course Crossing
•    Rowing
•    Water Obstacle Crossing with the use of a single rope

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy