Conduct of Tactical Exercise with Troops “Opportune Crossing of Water Obstacle”

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Conduct of Tactical Exercise with Troops “Opportune Crossing of Water Obstacle”
09/07/2021 12:42

On Thursday 1 July 2021, the final phase of the Tactical Exercise with Troops “Opportune Crossing of Water Obstacle” was conducted, at the Floating Assets Training Centre in Evros, with the participation of Units – Independent Subunits of the D’ Army Corps “THRACE”.

During the final phase of the exercise, which was observed by the Commander of the 1st Army/EU-OHQ “ACHILLEAS” Lieutenant General Petros Demestichas and the Commander of D’ Army Corps “THRACE” Lieutenant General Angelos Choudeloudis, the high level of the personnel’s operational training and readiness was ascertained.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy