Visits by the Chief HAGS to Units and Subunits in the Area of Lamia

On Wednesday, 12 September 2018, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Alkiviadis Stefanis, visited the Ordnance Corps Training Centre, the 63rd Mobilisation Unit, and the 36th Signals Company in “Athanasiou Diakou – Syntagmatarhi Tsakalou” Camp and the 695th Base Ammunition Depot in “Anthypolohagou Panourgia” Camp in the area of Lamia.
During his visit, the Chief discussed with the personnel and was briefed on the following activities of the Units and Subunits:
– The Basic Ordnance Training Course for 2nd Lieutenants and Career Sergeants, Class of 2018.
– The training activities of the 63rd Mobilisation Unit.
– The 695th Base Ammunition Depot’s activities concerning the reception, classification, restowing, and distribution of ammunition and explosives of all kind across Greece. The visit included a demonstration by specialised personnel of the equipment and materials used for the disposal of explosives, as well as of the equipment of the chemical laboratory where the Unit performs quality checks on powder.
Finally, the Chief addressed all personnel of the Lamia Garrison, congratulated them on their professionalism and optimism, and briefed them on a series of actions within the framework of the Personnel Welfare Year, referred to the value of constant training, the role of the Army as a main deterrence factor, as well as to its social contribution. He also stressed the need to reduce bureaucracy by exploiting new technologies.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy, #ΕίμαστεΠαντού, #WeAreEverywhere

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