Visit by the Command Adjutant of HAGS to the US and to US Army Europe Formations

n July 2018, the Command Adjutant of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Signals Warrant Officer Loukas Tsiamantas, visited:
– the United States on 22 June 2018, where he attended the graduation of the Sergeants Major Course Class 68 of the US Army Sergeants Major Academy, upon invitation by the Academy Commandant, Command Sergeant Major (CSM) Jimmy Sellers.
– Grafenwohr, Germany, from 26 to 28 June 2018, accompanied by the Command Adjutant of the Career NCO School, Infantry Warrant Officer Georgios Papangelis, where they visited Units and Formations of US Army Europe, upon relevant invitation.
They discussed matters of mutual interest in order to further upgrade the role of our NCOs.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy, #ΕίμαστεΠαντού, #WeAreEverywhere

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