Training Trip of the Hellenic NCOs Academy to the Area of Responsivity of the D΄ Army Corps “THRACE”

From Tuesday 20 to Friday 23 June 2023, the Students of Class ΙΙΙ of the NCOs Academy, in the context of their training trip, conducted a visit to the Formations, Units and Surveillance Outposts in the Area of Responsibility of the D’ Army Corps “THRACE”.

In particular, on Tuesday 20 June 2023, they initially visited the premises of the D’ Army Corps “THRACE”, where they were received by the Deputy Commander of the D’ Army Corps “THRACE” Major General Dimitrios Petroulias and they were briefed on the work and the mission of the Army Corps.

Subsequently, from Wednesday 21 to Friday 23 June 2023, they visited the headquarters of the XII Mechanised Infantry Division “EVROS”, the 50th Mechanised Brigade “APSOS”, and the XVI Mechanised Infantry Division “DIDYMOTIHO”, where they were briefed on the Formations’ work and activities. Furthermore, the students visited the Tank Simulator Centre at Camp “YPOLOHAGOU (PZ) THEODOROU KANDILAPTI”, as well as Surveillance Outposts in the Area of Responsibility of D Army Corps “THRAKI”.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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