Speech delivered by Mr. Anastasios Markouizos “IAVERIS” entitled “Road Safety – Prevention of Car Accidents” at the Centers Command

On Friday, May 25th 2018, within the framework of the welfare provided to the personnel, a speech was delivered by Mr. Anastasios Markouizos “IAVERIS” entitled “Road Safety – Prevention of Car Accidents” at the Centers Command / IV Inf Div “PELOPONNISOS”.

Mr. Markouizos referred to the causes of car accidents, such as the consumption of alcohol, overspeeding and distraction due to mobile phones usage. He emphasized in particular that the main factor for the very high mortality rate amongst young persons is the lack of information on and education in road safety issues and the non-compliance with the relevant laws. He talked about education in road behavior and referred to examples and figures given the scale of the problem that the Greek society faces.

The speech was attended by Officers, Non-Commissioned Officers, Conscripts and Students of the New Recruits Advanced Training School.

#HellenicArmy, #WeCare

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