Personnel Welfare (Infrastructure Projects in Military Education Institutions)

Within the framework of personnel welfare and the constant effort to upgrade and improve the infrastructure of the Army’s Military Education Institutions, the following projects were completed:
Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon)
– Reconstruction and renovation of 6 Cadet Company buildings (of which 5 through a donation by the Stavros Niarchos Foundation).
– Repair of the Materials Engineering and Strength Laboratory buildings.
– Construction of accessible toilet in the Academy Main Building.
– Repair of Swimming Pool lights.
– Paving of the area in front of the Regimental Assembly Area.
– Renovation of 5 classrooms.
– Conversion of the old sand table into an interactive sand table, allowing cadets to create 3D topographical charts using a model virtual reality application.
Career NCO School
 – Repair – Replacement of external doors and windows of the 1st Student Battalion.
 – Renovation of student classrooms and replacement of student reading desks with new, modern ones.
 – Installation of modern distance learning infrastructure in all classrooms.

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