Participation of the Chief HAGS in the 5th Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces in Austria

During the period from Monday 17th to Wednesday 19th of September of 2018, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Alkiviadis Stefanis, participated in the 5th Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces that was held in Graz – Austria.
The Commanders of Land Forces from 30 European countries participated in the said Forum, whose subject has been the “Hybrid Warfare” as a new form of conflict.
The holding of the 5th Forum of Commanders of European Land Forces has made a very important contribution to:
    • The increase of the common understanding; the response to the common threat, that of Hybrid Warfare;
    • The information on recent developments regarding the central subject of the Forum;
    • The use of the conclusions of the works, with regard to lessons learned, the importance and the military capabilities to respond to Hybrid Warfare within the European area.
#HellenicArmy, #WeAreEverywhere

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