“Parachutist Day” Set Up for the Families of the Army personnel in the PARACHUTISTS SCHOOL

Having as a rule the personnel’s Welfare, the Hellenic Army General Staff plans, executes and approves actions, so that the members’ families would become familiar with the military working environment.
In this context, on Saturday, 10 November 2018, the Special Forces Directorate set up the “Parachutist Day” for the family members of the Army personnel, in the Parachutists School headquarters, in Aspropyrgos, Attica.
200 visitors attended the ceremony, among them a lot of children as well. During the ceremony, an audio-visual presentation and projection took place, regarding the parachutists’ training, as well as a tour in the School’s training facilities of static line and free fall parachutes, whilst the young visitors watched the planets’ history in a portable planetarium.

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