Non-Commissioned Officers School, Class III, pays a Training Visit to the Area of Responsibility of the D Army Corps “THRACE”

In the context of training visits the Students of the Non-Commissioned Officers School, Class III paid a visit to the Area of Responsibility of the D Army Corps (D AC – “THRACE”).  More specifically they visited:
     • The Headquarters of the D Army Corps in Xanthi.
    • The Headquarters of the XII Mechanised Infantry Division (XII MECH INF DIV-EVROS”) and the Battle Tanks Simulation Centre, in Alexandroupoli.
    • The Headquarters of the XVI Mechanised Infantry Division (XVI MECH INF DIV- “DIDIMOTICHO”) in Didimoticho.
    • The Hellenic outposts “KIPI” and “1”.
During their visit, the students were presented a briefing on the following:
    • The mission of the D Army Corps and its Formations.
    • The historical, cultural and geographical data of the area of Thrace.
They also attended a demonstration of weapon systems at the Simulation Centre.
#HellenicArmy, #WeAreProud

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