HAGS Chief visits 1st ARMY /EU-OHQ/ “ACHILLEAS” AoR

On the 3rd and 4th of June 2020, the Hellenic Army General Staff Chief Lieutenant General Charalambos Lalousis visited the 1st ARMY /EU-OHQ/ “ACHILLEAS” AoR, accompanied by its Commander Lieutenant General Vasileios Papadopoulos.
More precisely, on Wednesday 3rd of June 2020, HAGS/Chief visited the NCO Military School in Trikala, where he was briefed on the operation of the School, was guided around its premises, observed training activities and briefly addressed its students. Then he visited the 303 Advanced Base Plant in Larissa, where he was briefed on its mission and was shown a demonstration of constructions exhibits and innovative applications developed by the Plant.
On Wednesday 4th June 2020, the Chief visited t he XXIV Armoured Brigade (XXIV –“1st CAVARLY REGIMENT-FLORINA”) where he addressed the personnel , observed the drill activation of the Stand-by Echelons of the Brigade and visited the “KANAPITSA” Exercise Field in Litochoro, where he observed the summer training of the NCOs Military School, he was guided around the premises and addressed a speech to the trainees and the trainers of the School. Then he visited the HQs of the 1st Army Aviation Brigade, as well as the 307 and 304 Advanced Base Plants where he was briefed for the Repair works and challenges these plants are faced with , and was given a tour around the Repair Departments and their facilities. Finally, he visited the 32 Marines Brigade –“MORAVAS” where he briefly addressed its personnel.
During his visit the Chief witnessed the impeccable organization, the realistic training of the personnel, as well as the high level of operational readiness.

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