Field Training Exercise “VRONTI DIOS-2018” was conducted at Litochoro Tanks Firing Range

On Friday, 15 June, 2018, the Field Training Exercise (FTX) “VRONTI DIOS-2018” was conducted by the XXIV Armoured Brigade personnel (XXIV AMD BDE “1st CAVALRY REGIMENT-FLORINA”) at the Litochoro Tanks Firing Range. The FTX checks the command and fire control of the Medium Tanks Battalion Combat Team, during the conduct of fire with all its weapon systems using live ammunition.

The fire power demonstration of the combat team trained was attended by:
-The Chief of Staff/HAGS, Lieutenant General Antonios Nomikos
-A delegation of Bulgarian Army officers

-A delegation of Command and Staff College trainees.

-Second Lieutenants of the Arms and Corps Schools undergoing training  

-A delegation of students of the Non-Commissioned Officers School. 

The personnel of the XXIV AMD BDE deserves congratulations for the preparation of the above training, working with ardour, demonstrating innovative thought and professionalism, thus contributing to the perfect conduct of this activity and providing very useful lessons learned to the trainees.  

#HellenicArmy, #WeDeter, #WeAreEveywhere

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