Celebration of Saint Barbara, Patron Saint of the Artillery

On Sunday, 4 December 2022, a ceremony was held at the Artillery School in Camp “Tagmatarhi (PB) Georgiadi Thoma” in Nea Peramos, Attica, to celebrate the Patron Saint of the Artillery, the Great Martyr Saint Barbara.

The ceremony was attended by the Deputy Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, Mr. Athanasios Bouras, as representative of the Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament, Members of Parliament and party representatives, the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Charalampos Lalousis, Archimandrite Konstantinos Kolessias as representative of the Metropolitan of Megara and Salamis, who officiated the ceremony, as well as local government representatives.

The ceremony was also attended by the Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Stylianos Petrakis HN, the Chief of Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lieutenant General (HAF) Themistoklis Bourolias, the Chief of the Hellenic Coast Guard, Vice Admiral Georgios Alexandrakis CG, the Army Inspector General – Commander of the Doctrine and Training Command, Lieutenant General Nikolaos Flaris, the Deputy Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kellis, the Commanding General of the Higher Military Command of Interior and Islands “AEGEAS”, Lieutenant General Dimitrios Choupis, and the Commanding General of the Higher Army Support Military Command “THISEAS”, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Hellenic Army General Staff Chief of Staff, Lieutenant General Dimokritos Konstantakos, Honorary Chiefs of Hellenic Army General Staff General Dimitrios Voulgaris (ret.), General Konstantinos Ghinis (ret.), and General Georgios Kambas (ret.), the Director General of the General Directorate of National Defence Policy and International Relations, Dr. Konstantinos Balomenos, Defence Attachés, as well as active duty and retired Artillery Officers.

The ceremony was followed by an artillery weapon systems demonstration and a tour of the exhibitions of historic vehicles and memorabilia of Artillery heroes and an exchange of wishes via teleconference with Commanders and personnel of various Formations across Greece. Finally, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff honoured the oldest living artilleryman, Brigadier General Dimitrios Stamatis (ret.), Hellenic Military Academy Class of 1949.

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#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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