Meeting of the Chief of HAGS with the Deputy Commanding General of the USAREUR and Head of Mobilisation and Reserve Affairs

On Tuesday 24 April 2018, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lt General Alkiviadis Stefanis met with the Deputy Commanding General of the USAREUR and Head of Mobilisation and Reserve Affairs, Brigadier General Kate Leahy. During the meeting, issues of mutual interest were discussed.
Following the meeting, a briefing was conducted by the Mobilisation Division and the National Guard Directorate of HAGS, on issues of their field, aiming to promote the cooperation with the Armed Forces of the USA and the expansion of our bilateral relations.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #ΕίμαστεΠαντού, #HellenicArmy, #WeAreEverywhere.

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