Higher Military Command of Interior and Islands (‘AIGEAS’) Commander visits the 88 Military Command Area of Responsibility (‘LIMNOS’) and the 41 Infantry Regiment Tactical Command (‘SARANTA EKKLESIES’)

On the 19th and the 20th 2018, the Commander of the Higher Military Command of Interior and Islands ‘AIGEAS’, Lieutenant General Nikolaos Manolakos, visited the 88 Military Command Area of Responsibility (‘LIMNOS’) and the 41 Infantry Regiment Tactical Command – ‘SARANTA EKKLESIES’.
The activity confirmed the personnel’s excellent organization, high level of training and operational readiness, high morale and optimism, in the execution of their duties.
On Friday, 20 April 2018, he attended, as representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, the celebration of the Kallipolis Battle, in Moudros, Limnos.
# Hellenic Army, # We Deter, # We Offer, # We Are Everywhere

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