Hellenic Army General Staff Chief visits Signals and Artillery Schools

On Thursday 17 May 2018, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff Lieutenant General Alkiviades Stefanis, visited the following:
– The Signals School in Haidari, Attica, where he attended an one-day conference entitled “Telecommunications World Day”, organized by the HAGS/ Signals Directorate, in the context of the celebrations for the World Day for Telecommunications and Information Society. The event, honoured by the attendance of academics, OTE (Greek Telecommunications Organisation) representatives and citizens, included a presentation on the Signals assets on wheeled vehicles, the telecommunication capabilities from past to present, as well as the way ahead for the Signals Arm.  
– The Artillery School in Nea Peramos Attica, where he gave a lecture to the Second Lieutenants of the 2017 Class named “Major General GEORGIOS KATECHAKIS, who are the Artillery leaders of tomorrow. The Chief provided guidelines to the young Officers, highlighting the following:
– The evolution of the role of the Leader, through time.
– Τhe importance of setting the example through “One’s Self” in the context of an anthropocentric command.
– The secret of successful Leadership, it being nothing else than the PASSION for the military profession, stemming from the love of one’s country.
#HellenicArmy, #WeAreEverywhere

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