Celebration on the Completion of 190 Years from the Establishment of the 1st Gunners Battalion and Graduation Ceremony of the Basic Training Detachment of Second Lieutenants (Artillery), Class 2017 of the Military Academy.

On Thursday, 07 June 2018, the celebration on the completion of the 190 years from the Establishment of the 1st Gunners Battalion and the Graduation Ceremony of the Basic Training Detachment of Second Lieutenants (Artillery), Class 2017 of the Military Academy were conducted. 

The following took place during the event:
–   Weapon systems demonstration and briefing on the History of the School as well as on the Arm of the Artillery, at the Artillery School amphitheater.

–  Honorary distinctions award to Artillery personnel for their contribution on the development of the Arm, by the Honorary Chief HAGS, General (retired) Konstantinos Ginis and retired Artillery officers who attended the event.

The 1st ARMY “ACHILLEAS” Commander, Lieutenant General Dimokritos Zervakis, attended the ceremony and awarded the graduation certificates to the new Second Lieutenants, rewarding the top-scoring ones with the plaque and the emblem of the School.

#HellenicArmy, #WeAreProud.

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