Naming Ceremony of the Briefing Hall at the Simulation Centre

On Monday, 25 June 2018, a naming ceremony was held at the Simulation Centre at “KANDILAPTI” Camp, in order to name the briefing Hall of the Simulation Centre “Brigadier General Andreas Simos Briefing Hall”, paying tribute to the late officer. 
Brigadier General Andreas Simos was the Commander of the Simulation Centre from 2008 to 2010, where he worked enthusiastically, methodically and with a vision to make the Simulation Centre a model training centre for Armoured Units personnel and establish it as a force multiplier for our Army. 
The ceremony was attended by his family and relatives, the Commander of the XVI Mechanised Infantry Division (XVI MECH INF DIV “DIDIMOTICHO”) Major General Vassilios Papadopoulos, the Commander of the XII Mechanised Infantry Division (XII MECH INF DIV “EVROS”) Major General Dimitrios Koukkos, the Commander of the 7th Mechanised Brigade (7th MECH BRIG “SARANTAPOROS”) Brigadier General Ioannis Efstathiou, the Commander of the XXIII Armoured Brigade (XXIII ARMD BDE “3rd CAVALRY REGIMENT – DORILEO”) Brigadier General Christos Boufis, the Commander of the 31st Mechanised Brigade (31st MECH BRIG “KAMIA”) Brigadier General Athanassios Papathanassiou, former Commanders of the Simulation Centre, as well as a delegation of servicemen.  
#HellenicArmy, #WeAreEverywhere

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