From Thursday 11 to Friday 19 March 2021, in the context of international cooperation with friend and allied countries planned by the HNDGS, the FX THRACIAN COOPERATION – 21 was conducted at the Firing Field of Petrochori-Xanthi; the 2nd and 5th Medium Tank Battalion of the USAREUR-AF 1st Cavalry Division, and Units from the XXV Armour Brigade “2nd Cavalry Regimenr – EPHESUS” participated in the FX. It is worth mentioning that the 2nd Medium Tank Battalion of the US 1st Cavalry Division had conducted operations by the Hellenic Expeditionary Corps in the War of Korea.
The FX «THRACIAN COOPERATION – 21» was conducted using Tactical Engagement Simulation (TES) system and included training on matters of tactics and fire control & command, and, in parallel, testing of Logistics matters.
The Chief HAGS Lieutenant General Charalambos Laloussis, the 1st Army Commander Lieutenant General Petros Demestihas, the Army Inspector General – Doctrine and Training Commander Lieutenant General Aggelos Ilaridis, the D’ Army Corps Commanding General Lieutenant General Aggelos Houdeloudis, and from the US side the US Consul General in Thessaliniki Ms. Elisabeth K. Lee, the Deputy Commander USAREUR- AF, Major General Joe Jarrard, and the US Military Attaché to Greece, Colonel Robert Reed Anderson.
At his address, the Chief/HAGS underlined the high level of operational cooperation between the two countries’ Armed Forces, and congratulated the participating personnel on achieving the exercise’s goals.
The Deputy Commander USAREUR- AF, Major General Joe Jarrard stated the following: “The United States are faithful to the enhancement of the bonds and cooperation among our countries. Bilateral exercises, as this one, help us promote our common goals in the field of regional defence and security”.
#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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