Events for the 82nd Anniversary of the Battle of the Forts

On Sunday 2 April 2023, the 82nd anniversary of the Battle of the Forts, which took place from 06 to 09 April 1941, was celebrated at the forts of “Lisse”, “Roupel”, “Nymfea”, “Ochyro” (Istibey) and “Echinos”. During the anniversary ceremony, a memorial service and wreath laying were conducted in memory of the Officers and Soldiers of the Hellenic Army, who defended and protected the Forts, in April 1941.

The ceremony at Fort “Lisse” was honoured by the presence of the Deputy Minister of National Defence Mr Nikolaos Chardalias as representative of the Government, accompanied by the Commander of the 1st Army/EU-ΟHQ “Achilleas” Lieutenant General Ioannis Tsoplios. To read the pertinent press release of the Ministry of National Defence click here.

The ceremony at Fort “Roupel” was honoured by the presence of Hellenic Parliament MPs, the Commander of C Army Corps/NRDC-GR “Megas Alexandros” Lieutenant General Paris Kapravelos as representative of the Chief of HNDGS General Konstantinos Floros, His Eminence the Metropolitan Bishop of Sidirokastro Mr Makarios, the Vice Consul of the General Consulate of the Republic of Cyprus in Thessaloniki Ms Georgia Pastelli-Pantelidou and representatives of the local self-government.

The ceremony at the “Nymfea” Fort was honoured by the presence of the Hellenic Parliament MPs, His Eminence the Metropolitan Bishop of Maronia and Komotini Mr Panteleimon, the Commander of D Army Corps “Thrace” Lieutenant General Dimokritos Konstantakos and representatives of the local self-government.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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