Signals Corps
The history and evolution of the Signals Corps cannot be contained in the last 78 (approximately) years of the Arm’s existence, but it must be examined jointly with the development of communications since the establishment of the new Greek state in 1828, up until today. Throughout the Nation’s struggles, the Signals Corps were the unsung heroes, who, with their exquisite professional expertise, their devotion to the execution of the mission and their participation on the front-line of operations, have contributed and continue contributing up until today, day and night, 365 days per year, under any weather conditions, valuable services to the exercising of Command and Control, corroborating the words of the US General of WWII Omar Nelson Bradley: “A piece of paper makes you an officer, a radio makes you a commander”.
The Signals Corps constitutes the “neurons” of the army and has an essential impact on the successful direction and conduct of the operations. They participate in operations by conducting Electronic Warfare, while they daily monitor the field assigned as the area of responsibility of every Formation. It is the Arm which has to closely follow the technological developments, an obligation arising from the triple nature of its mission. The Signals Corps manages modern systems of Communications, Electronic Warfare and Electronic Surveillance and thus the members have to know and familiarise themselves with modern technology and innovation and any kind of technological development.

The Signals Corps emblem
It was instituted in 1953 and it represents the wing-footed god of the Greek mythology, Hermes. Hermes was one of the twelve Olympian Gods, son of Zeus and of the daughter of Atlas, Maia. He had been assigned by his father the role of herald, messenger and executioner of his orders. He was the god of communications and for this capacity he was selected for the emblem of the Signals Corps, where he is surrounded by a wreath of laurels at a blue background, which constitutes the colour of the Arm.
Our Mission
- The securing of all types of communications in peacetime, mobilisation and wartime for the exercising of command, the cooperation with the other Services of the Armed Forces and the direction of the fight.
- The conduct of Electronic Warfare operations.
- Surveillance of the battlefield (ground, air, sea) with Electronic means (electro-optic means, radars, UAVs, Drones, miscellaneous sensors, etc.).
The Arm of the Signals Corps, responding to the requirements of the modern operational environment, plans, organises and materialises the upgrade of the existing networks, systems and assets of communications, aiming for the fullest possible satisfaction of the Army’s requirements, at a national and international level. At the same time it plans, schedules, maintains and operates 24/7, ceaselessly, assets of Electronic Warfare and Electronic Surveillance in the Area of Responsibility of Units under Formations of Major Army Commands.

The Arm of the Signals Corps is served by personnel with knowledge, discipline, technical and tactical capabilities, as well as immense passion, for the execution of its mission and the preservation of the Army’s operational readiness. The Signaller must always be vigilant and act “Μεθ΄Ορμής Ακαθέκτου” (with fierce impetus) to fulfil his/her mission.
The fields of innovation and technological development constitute fields of particular interest on which the Arm focuses, prioritising the field of UAVs, Drones, Counter UAV systems, as well as any type of Electronic Warfare and Surveillance assets.
The Arm’s training, in tactics, in technical methods as well as newly introduced systems and new technologies and applications is provided through the Signals School. At the same time, self-training and lifelong learning is the standard for the Signaller.
In the framework of Signals School and in cooperation with the CISCO academy, specialised knowledge is provided in the subjects of establishment and function of networks, while through the Higher College of Telecommunications and Electronics of Signals Officers and the Joint Postgraduate Studies Programme of the College with the National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, training of a Scientific level is provided in the fields of secure telecommunication systems and networks.