
It is the highest rank of the Army Officers.
The Chief of HNDGS is the only one who can be awarded the rank.
The rank of retired General is awarded, upon decision of the Governmental Council for National Security, to retired Chiefs of the Army.
Lt. Gen. (GRC A)

The Lieutenant General is the second highest rank of the Army.
In the Army, the Lieutenant Generals are the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff and the members of the Supreme Military Council.
The rank of retired Lieutenant General is awarded, upon decision of the Supreme Military Council, to retired Major Generals of the Army.
Major General

- The Major General is the third highest rank of the Army.
- The Major Generals are the commanding generals of Formations at the Division level, directors of the branches of the Hellenic Army General Staff as well as other posts of the Formations of the Army and the Hellenic Army General Staff.
- The rank of retired Major General is awarded, upon decision of the Supreme Military Council, to retired Brigadier Generals of the Army.
Brigadier General

The Brigadier General is the lowest rank of the general officers.
The Brigadier Generals are commanders of Formations at the Brigade level and in other posts of Formations and the Hellenic Army General Staff.
The rank of retired Brigadier General is awarded, upon decision of the Supreme Military Council, to retired Colonels of the Army.

- It is the highest rank of the Army Senior Officers.
- The Colonels command formations at Regiment level.
Lieutenant Colonel

- The Lieutenant Colonels command Units at the Battalion level.

- The Major is the lowest rank of the Army Senior Officers.
- The Majors command independent subunits.

The Captain is the highest rank of the Army Junior Officers.
- The Captains command subunits at the Company level.
1st Lieutenant

The 1st Lieutenant is a medium rank of the Army Junior Officers.
2nd Lieutenant

The 2nd Lieutenant is the lowest rank of the Army junior Officers. The graduates of the Hellenic Army Academy (Evelpidon) begin their careers as 2nd Lieutenants.
- The graduates of the Hellenic Army Academy (Evelpidon) begin their careers as 2nd Lieutenants.
- The graduates of the Hellenic NCOs Academy as well as the Long-term Volunteers can be promoted to 2nd Lieutenants, after first having completed their stipulated service time as Warrant Officers.
Reserve Officer Cadets

The Reserve Officer Cadet is an Officer rank awarded to successful graduates of one of the Army’s reserve officer candidates schools.
- The Reserve Officer Candidate comes from the enlisted soldiers who have been called to complete their military service and meet the necessary criteria (of education and physical condition).
Warrant Officer

The Warrant Officer is an intermediate rank between the NCO and the Officer of the Army.
Sergeant Major

Sergeant Major is the highest rank of the Army NCOs.
They are distinguished into:
- Regular NCOs, coming from the Hellenic NCOs Academy
- Long-term Volunteers
- Professional Soldiers
Staff Sergeant

They are distinguished into:
- Regular NCOs, coming from the Hellenic NCOs Academy
- Long-term Volunteers
- Professional Soldiers

They are distinguished into:
- Regular NCOs, coming from the Hellenic NCOs Academy
- Long-term Volunteers
- Professional Soldiers

The Corporal is the lowest rank of the NCOs.
- All the citizens who obligatorily serve in the army have the rank of Private.
- They don’t bear insignia but only the emblem of the Arm or Corps they have been assigned to.