In a few words
The Officer’s mission is to actively contribute to the accomplishment of the Army’s mission for the securing of defence and protection of the country, as well as the training of personnel during peacetime. The Officers execute administrative, training and staff duties. The Officers of the Army are distributed to Arms and Corps. They command and train the Members under their orders or they are assigned staff posts. The Officers themselves execute the orders issued by their superiors. In peacetime, they regularly participate in training activities and exercises, under realistic conditions. In case of war, they actively participate in operations.

How one can become an Officer of the Hellenic Army?
- By graduating from the Higher Military Education Institutions of the Country.
- The Hellenic Army Academy (Evelpidon). The duration of studies is 4 years. The graduates are awarded the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and they follow the career of regular Army Officers.
- The Combat Support Officers Military Academy The duration of studies varies from 4 to 6 years depending on the specialty (Doctor, Dentist, Veterinarian, Pharmacist, Psychologist, Finance). The graduates are awarded the rank of 2nd Lieutenant and they follow the career of permanent Army Officers.
- The Hellenic Military Nursing Academy. The duration of studies is 4 years. The graduates are awarded the rank of Nursing 2nd Lieutenant and they follow the career of regular Officers, mainly stationed in military hospitals.
- They join the Army through competitions conducted by HAGS, as per the applied legislation, and they are awarded the Officer’s rank.
What are the career prospects?
A career leading to service and social distinction.
Additional training activities and specialisation in various sciences and new technologies, domestically and abroad.

What are the prerequisites?
- Excellent physical and mental health
- Height over 1,70 m. for men and 1,60 m. for women.
- Self-denial
- Discipline
- Decisiveness
- Persistence
- Initiative
What challenges do the Officers face?
Some of the main characteristics distinguishing the Officers’ work are the following:
The preservation of hierarchical relations between their superiors and subordinates at a high level.
Constant readiness.
The cultivation and preservation of team spirit.
Constant education and training.

In a few words
The NCOs participate in the command and training of the Army as assistants of the officers. They also staff the technical and administrative services of the Army. In particular, they staff the Units – independent Subunits and the Staffs throughout the levels.

How can one become an NCO of the Hellenic Army?
To become an Army NCO one must either study at the Hellenic NCOs Academy, or join one of the other institutions (Professional Soldier, Short-term Re-enlisting Private). The Hellenic NCOs Academy graduates are awarded the rank of regular sergeant
What are the career prospects?
- A career leading to service and social distinction.
- Additional training activities and specialisation in various sciences and new technologies, domestically and abroad.

What are the prerequisites?
- Excellent physical and mental health
- Discipline
- Self-denial
- Persistence
What challenges do the NCOs face?
- Constant readiness.
- The cultivation and preservation of team spirit.
- Constant self improvement.

In a few words
The military service in Greece is regulated on one hand by the Constitution and on the other hand by Law 3421/2005 “Enlistment of Greeks” and other provisions. Article 4 para. 6 of the Constitution stipulates that “ Every Greek who can bear arms is obligated to contribute to the defence of the Homeland, as per the stipulations of the laws”.

Why one must serve in the military?
- Due to love for the Homeland and for contribution to the safeguarding of National Security.
- For the safeguarding of the country’s territorial integrity.
- The continuation of the fight of the ancestors for the safeguarding of the noblest ideal, that of freedom, is considered a historic duty.
- Through the military service the enlisted soldiers participate in the commons and they prepare to actively join society.
- They consider the military service as the opportunity to participate in new activities and acquire new capabilities.
- They realise the notion of the colleague and they draw strength from the total.
- They acquire qualities of coexistence, cooperation and self-discipline for the strengthening of their characters.
What can one obtain from the fulfilment of military service?
- Tutoring and acquisition of certified skills through the “Military Service – Opportunity” programme.
- New opportunities for professional employment
- Training in digital skills
- Establishment of new friendships.

In a few words
The National Guard constitutes an organised military force and can be found as an institution in other countries too. The National Guard is formed in peacetime for the strengthening and assistance of the Armed Forces to fulfil their mission in times of peace, mobilisation (general or partial) and war. In Greece it has been established since the foundation of the Independent Greek State.

How can one become a member of the National Guard?
- Personnel from the active army, as well as civilian personnel of the Ministry of National Defence.
- Personnel from the Army reserves, not included in any mobilisation plans and permanently staying in the regional unit where the National Guard Unit is headquartered.
- Volunteers over the age of twenty (20), from the reserves included in the Army’s mobilisation plan, following a request by the interested party, submitted to the competent recruitment authority.
- Former Army reserves, aged between forty-five (45) and sixty-seven (67) years.
- Personnel from the reserves of the other Armed Forces Services, who are in excess.
Why should one become a member of the National Guard?
- To contribute to the defence of the country and the safeguarding of National Security.
- To contribute and play an important role to the uplift of the local population’s morale, as well as to the coexistence of the National Guard with the local society, which is interwoven with the modern history, tradition and conscience of the inhabitants, especially those of the border areas
- To expand the bonds of the citizens with the active Army, creating a desire to serve the society, to help the fellow citizens, to enhance the spirit of cooperation and targeting of the common goal.

The civilian employees of the Army
The contribution of the Army’s civilian personnel is timeless and of particular significance, since it constitutes an inseparable part of its daily function, offering high level services.
In 1914, the laws regarding “Employment of various categories and specialties of military employees” were issued.
Subsequently, what followed was the passage of Law 2794/1954 “Regarding the arrangement of posts for regular civilian employees and services of the HMoND and establishment of an independent branch of civilian employees (of Military Service) of the HMoND, to particularly cover the country’s obligations as member of NATO”, as well as the issuance of the Royal Decree 531/1962 “Regarding the establishment of regular posts for Civilian Personnel, under the Ministry of National Defence”.
The cycle of provisions pertaining to the Civilian Personnel was lately completed with the implementation of a modern Organisation of Civilian Personnel.

What is the contribution of the Civilian Personnel to the Army?
The main mission of the Civilian Personnel is the staffing of units-services of the Army, as well as contribution to the sector of scientific and technological research.
What are the challenges?
Nowadays, the civilian personnel responds to its duties in the best possible way, while at the same time, it utilises every given opportunity for the upgrade of its role, for further improvement of its contribution.
Aiming to upgrade and adjust the civilian personnel to the new technological approaches, as well as provide to the citizens high level services, particular gravity is given to the training and constant education of the employees.