On Friday, March 23rd 2018, the Change of Command Ceremony took place in the I Infantry Division (“SMYRNI”) with Major General Petros Demestichas assuming command from Major General Georgios Vynios.
On Friday, March 23rd 2018, the Change of Command Ceremony took place in the I Infantry Division (“SMYRNI”) with Major General Petros Demestichas assuming command from Major General Georgios Vynios.
Hellenic Army General Staff
Papagou Camp Mesogeion Avenue 227-231, Cholargos, 15561, Athens
Phone.: +30 2106555911
210 6555911
210 6555143
Hellenic Army General Staff
Papagou Camp Mesogeion Avenue 227-231, Cholargos, 15561, Athens
Phone.: +30 2106555911
210 6555911
210 6555143