Events for 83rd Anniversary of Battle of the Forts

On Sunday, 07 April 2024, ceremonies were held at forts “LISSE”, “ROUPEL”, “NYMFEA”, “OHYRO” (ISTIBEY), and “EHINOS” to celebrate the 83rd anniversary of the Battle of the Forts, which took place from 06 to 09 April 1941. The celebrations included a memorial service and wreath laying in memory of the Hellenic Army Officers and Enlisted who defended the Forts in April 1941.

The ceremony at fort “ROUPEL” was attended by the leader of the “NIKI” party, Mr. Dimitrios Natsios, MP for Serres, Mr. Konstantinos Boubas, the Mayor of Sintiki, Mr. Georgios Tatsios, His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Sidirokastro, Mr. Makarios, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Commanding General of C Army Corps/NRDC-GR “MEGAS ALEXANDROS”, Lieutenant General Athanasios Garinis, the Deputy Head of Region for the Regional Unit of Serres, Mr. Panaghiotis Spyropoulos, local government representatives, active duty Army and Security Forces officers, retired Army officers, and other guests.


The ceremony at fort “NYMFEA” was attended by MPs, His Eminence, the Metropolitan of Maronia and Komotini, Mr. Panteleimon, the Commanding General of D Army Corps “THRAKI”, Lieutenant General Stavros Papastathopoulos, His Eminence, the Mufti of Komotini, Dr. Halil Cihat, active duty Army and Security Forces officers, retired Army officers, and other guests.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy


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