Celebration Ceremony of the Patron Saint of the Army, Great Martyr Saint George at the Infantry School

On Friday 10 May 2024, in the presence of the Minister of National Defence Mr Nikos Dendias, as representative of the President of the Hellenic Government, and in the presence of the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, who represented the Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff General Dimitrios Choupis, the celebration ceremony for the Great Martyr Saint George, Patron Saint of the Army, took place in the premises of the Infantry School at the “Major (INF) VELISSARIOS IOANNIS” Camp, in Chalkida.

The ceremony was honoured by the presence of:

• The MP Mr Simeon (Simos) Kedikoglou, as representative of the Speaker of the Hellenic Parliament.

• Representatives of the Parliamentary Parties.

• The Honorary Chief of the Hellenic National Defence General Staff General (ret) Konstantinos Floros.

• The Head of the Region of Central Greece Mr Fanis Spanos.

• His Eminence the Metropolitan Bishop of Chalkida, Istiea and Northern Sporades Mr Chrysostomos, who officiated the ceremony.

• The Chief of the Hellenic Air Force General Staff Lieutenant General (Pilot) Dimosthenis Grigoriadis.

• Honorary Chiefs of the Hellenic Army General Staff.

• Members of the Supreme Military Council.

• Rear Admiral Georgios Agouras HN, as representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Navy General Staff.

•The Rear Admiral of the Port Authority Chametis Pantelis, as representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Port Authority – Coastguard.

• The Commander of the Chalkida Police Directorate Brigadier General Athanasios Gerogiakomos, as representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Police.

• The Commander of the Evia Fire Service Lieutenant Fire Colonel Konstantinos Psarros, as representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Fire Service.

• The Deputy Head of the Evia Region Mr Georgios Kelaiditis.

• The Deputy Mayor of the Chalkida Municipality Mr Serras Dimitrios.

• Defence Attachés.

• Active and retired Officers of the Armed and Security Forces and representatives of local bodies.

After the conclusion of the ceremony, a demonstration of weapon systems and assets was conducted, where among others, the Armour Combat Vehicle MARDER 1A3, the Armour Wheeled Reconnaissance Vehicle Μ1117, the Special Missions “FLYER” Vehicle, Board Simulation Stations of the crawler vehicle Μ901 ITV and the main battle tank LEOPARD 1Α5 and a system for Virtual Reality projection for various helicopter types of the Army Aviation were presented. Furthermore, a tour of the anniversary uniforms’ exhibition was given.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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