Our Future

The Soldier of the future

The soldier of the future is required to be familiarised with the management of tactical scenarios which pertain to survival in battle conditions, the utilisation of weaponry, the expedited detection of location and the successful use of all available ammunition. Further capabilities may concern the use of smart systems for field management which will transmit, in real-time, all operational data, like where the friendly and hostile forces are located, in connection with particular parameters of special operational value.

For a numerically small army, like the Hellenic, the development of the aforementioned model constitutes the ideal solution. Small armies do not have the luxury for a high number of casualties. It is estimated that the said data particularly assist in the decrease of friendly casualties and the conversion of every soldier to an autonomous battle unit, which will be under constant command and will be constantly informed about the course of the operation in which the soldier participates, moreover in real-time, having close contact with every friendly system, aircraft, helicopter or any other asset in the modern battlefield.