
Paratroopers Basic Training School

From 12 June to 14 July 2023, the Paratroopers Basic Training School was conducted at the premises of the Paratroopers School in Aspropyrgos-Attica, with the participation of 27 Members of the Army, 4 of the Hellenic Navy, 3 of the National Guard General Staff, 5 Reserve Officer Cadets and 33 conscript Soldiers.

The training included the following subjects:

•    Paratrooper Exercises.
•    Load packing for jump.
•    1610 metres long paratrooper course.
•    Beams transport course in pairs.
•    Procedures of actions in possible incidents during jump execution.
•    Jumps from CH-47D helicopter and C-130 aircraft.

On Friday 14 July 2023, the certificates’ and static strap Paratrooper wings insignia’s award ceremony to the School’s graduates was conducted at the Paratroopers School, in the presence of the Director of HAGS Special Forces Directorate Major General Nikolaos Giannopoulos.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy



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