Our Personnel



All Army Formations have First Aid Stations where the personnel is
administered fist aid when required, as well as diagnosis regarding diseases.



The Army has Medical Units for administering medical services and treatment to the Army personnel.



The Army has Medical Hospitals throughout the country for the servicing of the immediate needs of the Personnel as well as the citizens.

401 Athens General Military Hospital

The 401 Athens General Military Hospital has the mission of Training and

  • It treats active and retired Military Personnel and Members of their families, Security Forces Personnel, Civilian Personnel of HMoND and any other Greek citizen.
  • Trains Military Doctors and Nurses
  • Trains Privates of the Army Medical Corps
  • Trains Civilian Doctors upon authorisation by the Ministry of Health
  • Conducts clinical and laboratory studies through the Research Unit.

424 General Military Training Hospital

424 General Military Training Hospital has a mission to:

  • Provide treatment and training
  • Provide high scientific level Medical Services and the most proficient
    training to the personnel, to the greatest extent possible.
  • Fully medical treat the personnel of the three Armed Forces Services, the Security Forces and categories of citizens, stipulated by the decisions of HMoND.

414 Military Hospital of Special Diseases

414 Military Hospital of Special Diseases consists of the following units:

  • Psychiatric Clinic & Psychiatric Outpatients’ Department
  • Army Biological Research Centre
  • Armed Forces Joint Mental Health Centre
  • Department of Personnel’s Periodic Medical Examination
  • Joint Centre of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation