1st Army
The 1st ARMY/EU-OHQ “ACHILLES”, is the largest Land Command of the Greek Armed Forces and is responsible for ensuring the territorial integrity of most of the land area of our country, given that the area of responsibility it covers extends along 1,240 kilometers of border.

The 1st Army emblem
As the emblem of the 1st STRATIA, the sixteen-pointed star, symbol of the Macedonian Kings, with the inscription “Est An The Sun On This Road Is” was established in 1984. It is part of the answer given by Aristides the Fair, Commander-in-Chief of the Athenians, to the Persian General Mardonius, when he proposed the conclusion of a separate alliance before the Battle of Plataea. It symbolizes our determination and firm conviction not to compromise with our opponent.

Our Mission
- Training and maintenance of organic forces, as well as those available to it.
- Plan, prepare, direct and conduct the recruitment.
- Care for the improvement of the defense organization – fortification and the corresponding projects.
- Planning the use of the forces available there and defense on the remote location.
- Maintaining readiness to deal with any security risks – asymmetric threats.

In an unpredictably evolving geopolitical environment, it implements a wide range of actions, since it has been entrusted with the staff planning, organization and conduct of all the activities of its forces, for their training and preparation, in the context of the successful execution of the assigned operational projects.
In the context of the implementation of the international defense cooperation undertaken by our country, the 1st ARMY/EU-OHQ implements an important international project, through the Hellenic Headquarters of European Union Operations (EEUEE), which is one of the 5 headquarters belonging to the military command structure and EU business control.
Alongside its operational work, it also performs a wide range of activities
activities, concerning social contribution, contributing significantly to the development of local societies, the support of social work, but also the establishment of a sense of security in these residents, with:
- Availability of means for the arrangement – maintenance of vital works.
- Availability of military medical personnel to carry out examinations, blood draws, airlifts and airlifts of transplants.
- Contribution to the response to natural disasters, but also to sensitive and affected social groups.
Availability of departments at cultural and social events.
Historical Background
The 1st ARMY was formed in early 1912, participating in all wars, starting with the Balkans, under the title “Army” or “Army Division”.
Transfer of C’ Army Corps to Thessaloniki
In 1947, it took on its new form, headquartered in Volos and tasked with the Command of the C’ and D’ Army Corps.
Final destination
The Headquarters was permanently relocated to Larissa to its current facilities, at the then “COLONEL MANOLAKI – CAVARLY MAJOR SARIMVEI” Camp. Since 1995, the Camp has been named after “GENERAL NIKOLAOS PLASTIRAS” (1883-1952).
In the context of preserving its historical identity, the 1st Army was renamed the 1st “ACHILLEAS” ARMY.
The 1st Army today
Since 2014, the title has been supplemented as 1st ARMY/European Union Operation Headquarters “ACHILLEAS”, as it is the parent headquarters of the Greek European Union Operations Headquarters.