Address of the Chief HAGS at a Scientific Event of the Non-Profit Company AKOS

On Sunday, June 03rd 2018, the Chief of the Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Alkiviadis Stefanis, as guest of honor, addressed the event “Histories of Soul, The Clock of Life” organized by the Non-Profit Company AKOS at Crown Plaza Hotel in Athens.

The Chief, in his address, stated amongst others the following:

HAGS considers the “human being” as its most valuable weapon system and at the same time, its most significant force multiplier.
The recent conclusion of the memorandum of cooperation between HAGS and AKOS on the joint organization and conduct of scientific events, conferences and workshops for updating the personnel on cancer prevention issues is the practical expression of the welfare for the personnel.
Optimism, smile, positive attitude and faith constitute crucial elements in our good health and AKOS contribution in this field is particularly important.

#HellenicArmy, #WeCare

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