Operational Training of Newly Assigned Conscripts of the 71st Airmobile Brigade

On August 20 and 21, 2018, the 71st Airmobile Brigade (71st A/M BDE “PONTOS”) provided operational training to the newly assigned Conscripts  of the 2018 D Enlistment Series, who attend the Recruits Advanced Training School as follows:       
    • Co-training with helicopters of the 1st Army Aviation Brigade at the military airfield in Alexandria, Imathia.
    • Open space living, individual tactics, assault techniques and urban environment combat at the area of responsibility of the 9th Motorised Brigade (9th MOTORISED INF BDE “ADRIANOUPOLI”).
The continuous and realistic training of the Conscripts promotes the operational readiness of the Units they are assigned to, augmenting, at the same time, their morale and their self-confidence.
#HellenicArmy, #WeDeter, #WeAreEverywhere

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