Track and Field Grounds Naming Ceremony at the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon)

On Tuesday, 23 November 2021, a ceremony was held, in the presence of the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Charalampos Lalousis, for the naming of the open track and field grounds of the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon) in Vari, Attica, as “CHALARAMPOS KAMITSIS STADIUM”, in memory of Charalampos Kamitsis, PT Professor of the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon) from 1960 to 1993.
Charalampos Kamitsis, who died on 28 February 2015, was a pioneer in matters of Military Sports and Physical Training. He served in the Army as a Reserve Officer from 1955 to 1957, graduated from the National Physical Training Academy in 1955, and served as PT Professor in the Military Physical Training School in Halkis from 1957 to 1960. From 1960 until his retirement in 1993, he was PT Professor at the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon), while he also authored training aids on military sports and physical education matters for the cadets. He was also a member of the speaker group of the International Olympic Academy and participated as representative of the Reserve Officers of Greece in the CIOR (Interallied Confederation of Reserve Officers) and CIOMR (Interallied Confederation of Medical Reserve Officers) Sports Committee of NATO from 1986 to 2009, both in the organisation conferences, as well as in the Military Games in Europe and the US. He was also a member of the Organising Committee and ephor of CIOR military sporting events from 1986 to 1999 whenever the games and conferences took place in our country. In recognition of his work and contribution, the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon) had awarded him the title of Honorary Professor of the Academy.
The ceremony was also attended by the Metropolitan of Glyfada, Elliniko, Voula, Vouliagmeni, and Vari, Mr. Antonios, the Deputy Mayor of Vari, Voula, and Vouliagmeni, Ms. Maria Kanellou, Charalampos Kamitsis’s widow, Ms. Theodora Kamitsi, and his daughters, Vasiliki, Maria, and Iliana Kamitsi.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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