C Army Corps Change of Responsibility Ceremony

On Friday, 26 January 2024, in the presence of the General Secretary of the Ministry of National Defence, Mr. Antonios Ikonomou, as representative of the Minister of National Defence, Mr. Nikos Dendias, the C Army Corps/NRDC-GR “MEGAS ALEXANDROS” Change of Command ceremony took place at Camp “PEDIOU AREOS” in Thessaloniki, with Lieutenant General Athanasios Garinis assuming command from Lieutenant General Paris Kapravelos.

The ceremony was attended by Members of Parliament, the Metropolitan of Thessaloniki, Mr. Filotheos, the Metropolitan of Langadas, Liti, and Rentina, Mr. Platon, Consuls, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, Lieutenant General Georgios Kostidis, the Commanding General of the Hellenic First Army/EU OHQ “ACHILLEAS”, Lieutenant General Dimokritos Konstantakos, the Deputy Head of Region for the Metropolitan Unit of Thessaloniki, Ms. Voula Patoulidou, delegations of Allied nation Officers, active duty and retired Officers, and other guests.

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