Training trip of the Hellenic Army Academy to the Area of Responsibility of the 1st Army/EU – OHQ “Achilleas”

From Monday 29 May to Friday 02 June 2023, the Cadets of Class IV of the Hellenic Army Academy, in the context of their training trip, visited Formations, Units and Surveillance Outposts in the Area of Responsibility of the 1st Army/EU – OHQ “Achilleas”.


In particular, on Monday 29 May 2023, they initially visited the premises of the 1st Army/EU – OHQ “Achilleas” and the 110 Battle Wing, where they were briefed on their accomplishments and mission. Afterwards, they went to Thessaloniki, to C Army Corps “Megas Alexandros”, where they visited the War Museum/Thessaloniki Branch. In the premises of the museum they were briefed on the accomplishments and mission of the Army Corps and they were given a tour.


Afterwards, from Tuesday 30 May to Friday 02 June 2023, they visited the premises of D Army Corps “Thrace”, XII Mechanised Infantry Division “Evros”, XVI Mechanised Infantry Division “Didymoticho” and the 50 Mechanised Brigade “Apsos”, where they were briefed on the Formations’ accomplishments and activities. Furthermore, the Cadets visited Units, Surveillance Outposts and military facilities in the Area of Responsibility of D Army Corps “Thrace”.


#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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