Attack Helicopter Fires of the 1st Army Aviation Brigade and the 12th CAB at the “Karavia” Firing Range

On Friday 12 May 2023, at the “Karavia” Firing Range, Attack Helicopter fires of the 1st Army Aviation Brigade “Kilkis-Lachana” and the 12th Combat Aviation Brigade of the USA were conducted, in the context of the Field Training Exercise “NIKE-23”. The conduct of the Field Training Exercise was materialised through joint planning and operational cooperation of the Greek and US Attack Helicopters.

The said joint training was conducted in the context of the wider planning of HNDGS regarding the international cooperations of the Armed Forces and contributed to the promotion of the level of operational readiness, combative capability and cooperation of the participants, in a bilateral and multilateral context.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy


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