Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff Change of Responsibility Ceremony

On Wednesday, 25 January 2023, the Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff Change of Responsibility ceremony took place at the Hellenic Military Academy (Evelpidon) in Vari, Attica, with Lieutenant General Angelos Choudeloudis assuming responsibility from General Charalampos Lalousis.

The ceremony was attended by the Minister of National Defence, Mr. Nikolaos Panagiotopoulos, the Deputy Minister of National Defence, Mr. Nikolaos Chardalias, Members of Parliament, the Chief of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, General Konstantinos Floros, the Secretary General of the Ministry of National Defence, Mr. Antonios Ikonomou, the Mayor of Vari, Voula, and Vouliagmeni, Mr. Grigorios Konstantellos, the Metropolitan of Glyfada, Elliniko, Voula, Vouliagmeni & Vari, Mr. Antonios, who officiated the ceremony, members of the Holy Synod, Honorary Chiefs of Hellenic National Defence General Staff, Honorary Chiefs of Hellenic Army General Staff, the Chief of Hellenic Air Force General Staff, Lieutenant General (HAF) Themistoklis Bourolias, the Chief of Hellenic Navy General Staff, Vice Admiral Ioannis Drymousis HN, the Chief of the Hellenic Coast Guard, Vice Admiral Georgios Alexandrakis CG, the members of the Supreme Military Council, the Deputy Chief of the Fire Service, Fire Lieutenant General Marios Apostolidis, as representative of the Chief of the Fire Service, a representative of the Chief of the Hellenic Police Force, local government representatives, active duty Armed and Security Forces Officers, Defence Attachés and foreign delegations, retired Armed Forces Officers, and other guests.

To see the Order of the Day of the outgoing Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, press here.

To see the Order of the Day of the incoming Chief of Hellenic Army General Staff, press here.

#ΕλληνικόςΣτρατός, #HellenicArmy

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